
Through my work as an environmental engineer and systems analyst, I aspire to contribute to responsible resource management in the built environment.


PhD in Chemical Environmental Science
Chalmers University of Technology

MSc in Civil Engineering (cum laude)
Delft University of Technology

BSc ETH in Civil Engineering
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

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Sanitary Engineering
Urban Water Management

Nutrient Recovery Technologies
Nutrient Circularity Assessment

Environmental Systems Analysis
Sustainability Assessment

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Robin Harder
Dr.ir. Robin Harder

ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Current Research

I am currently re-envisioning the focus and direction of my research activities

Selected Publications

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Egestabase – an online evidence platform to discover and explore options to recover plant nutrients from human excreta and domestic wastewater for reuse in agriculture

Harder R, Metson GS, Macura B, Johannesdottir S, Wielemaker RC, Seddon D, Lundin E, Aliahmad A, Kärrman E, McConville JR (2024)

Towards a circular nutrient economy. A novel way to analyze the circularity of nutrient flows in food systems

Harder R, Giampietro M, Smukler S (2021)
Resources, Conservation & Recycling
DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105693

Reframing human excreta management as part of food and farming systems

Harder R, Wielemaker R, Molander S, Öberg G (2020)

Recycling nutrients contained in human excreta to agriculture: Pathways, processes, and products

Harder R, Wielemaker R, Larsen TA, Zeeman G, Öberg G (2019)
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology
DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2018.1558889